Amazon Orders to TrepStar using Zapier Integration: |
- If you are an Amazon seller, and are selling a TrepStar CD/DVD/USB product, you can use your Zapier account to automatically submit your Amazon orders to TrepStar for order fulfillment.
- To use this integration, you will need to be an Amazon seller ( and have a account.

Start by creating a new Zap:
- Login to
- Click 'Make a Zap!'

Choose Amazon Seller Central:
- Search for Amazon and find 'Amazon Seller Central' in the list.

Connect Zapier to your Amazon Seller Central Account:
- Connect to your Amazon Account.
- Click the 'this page' link.
- Login to your amazon seller central account.

Manage Your Apps:
- Find this screen and click the 'Visit Manage Your Apps' button.

Authorize New Developer:
- Click the Authorize new developer button to give Zapier the ability to communicate with your Amazon account.

Set Developer Name and ID:
- Zapier is the Developer's Name.
- 6222-9004-0945 is the Zapier Developer ID.
- Copy and paste these values into the screen and click 'Next'

- Check the boxes, read the agreements, and if you accept them, click 'Next'.

Copy your Seller ID and Auth Token:
- From within your Amazon account screen, copy the Developer ID and Auth Token back into the Zapier screen you started with.

Choose New Order:
- Once you're successfully connected to your Amazon seller account, choose the 'New Order' event in this 'App & Event' step.

Choose Webhooks By Zapier:
- For the 'Do this...' step start to type webhooks
- You will see Webhooks by Zapier in the list. Select it.

Choose POST:
- Choose POST for the Action Event

Customize Order:
- Choose the 'Unshipped' status. Each new Amazon order has a status. We want to trigger the integration based only on unshipped orders.

Find Data:
- In this step, Zapier will gather some order data from your existing Amazon orders.
- Choose one of your recent orders for this test.

Customize Post:
- URL needs to be set to:
- Payload must be set to Form.
- Data
- The idea is to type in the TrepStar field name on the left, and find the associated data element from your example order data.
- You will type in specific field names on the left hand column.
- These field names must be spelled correctly. Copy and paste them from below.
- It does not matter if they are upper or lower case.
- The order of the field names does not matter.
The following list are the fields required by TrepStar that you need to configure by choosing the appropriate Amazon order data fields:
productid | Set to Order Items Order Item Seller Sku: |
quantity | Set to Order Items Order Item Quantity Ordered: |
invoice | Set to Amazon Order ID: |
name | Set to Shipping Address Name: |
addr | Choose Shipping Address Line1: Then type in a space before also selecting
Shipping Address Line2. You want to have a space between the fields.
It's important to have both Address lines combined here (with a space in the middle) or incomplete addresses will be sent to TrepStar (and returned by the post office at your expense). |
city | Shipping Address City |
st | Shipping Address State or Region |
zip | Shipping Address postal code |
country | Shipping Address Country Code |
Buyer Email | |
CoLoginEmail | Your TrepStar Login Email. |
CoLoginPassword | Your TrepStar password |
mode | test or prod. Set to test at first, and change to prod when you see test orders correctly submitted to TrepStar |
a1ordersource | Amazon |

- When finished setting up the POST variables above, login to TrepStar and configure your products (see the next step below).
- When you've set the TrepStar eCommerce ID String for each of your Amazon Seller SKUs, you can then 'Test & Review'.
- Look for the responses from the TrepStar server.
- Check your TrepStar account 'Recent Orders' list.
- You must associate your TrepStar products with your Amazon Seller SKUs before this will work (see the next step below).

Correlating your Amazon Seller SKUs with your TrepStar Products:
- In an earlier step (above), you assigned the TrepStar productid field to your Amazon SKU
- In the example above, the order was for Amazon SKU BP-7XW7-2AQB
- For example, if the product BP-7XW7-2AQB corresponded to a TrepStar product, you would need to:
- Login to TrepStar
- Configure that corresponding TrepStar product.
- Go to the 'Advanced Settings' section of the TrepStar project.
- Copy/Paste your shopping cart product ID into the TrepStar eCommerce ID String and Save the changes.
- By doing this, you've associated the Amazon product SKU with the TrepStar ID.
- This is the only way TrepStar knows which project was ordered.