About TrepStar.com
TrepStar is 23 years old.
TrepStar CD/DVD/USB Fulfillment produces, packages and ships CD/DVD/USB products direct to customers worldwide in single quantity orders
fulfilled direct to customer, or copy / duplicate in bulk in any quantity.
Our mission is to provide
the highest quality "on demand" service at the lowest price at any quantity. Our self help site means setup costs can be zero.
Of course we do offer premium support options for publishers with a larger budget. We reproduce digital media products
on CD, DVD, and USB Flash Drives. We manufacture and ship to customers daily.
Customer Testimonials
On 12/1/2010, we renamed the service TrepStar.com. This was to avoid brand confusion.
Our previous name of cd-fulfillment.com or dvd-fulfillment.com or cddvdfulfillment.com was too generic
so people had trouble finding us by word of mouth. Now, simply tell people TrepStar and they
will find us easily.
TrepStar.com, an A1Tech, Inc. Company, was founded by Patrick Trepanier in Eagan, Minnesota in 2002.
The company was established to automate CD fulfillment for the award-winning software products of A1Tech, Inc., and quickly
grew to take on other CD and DVD fulfillment clients. Later on, USB Flash Drive on demand fulfillment was launched summer of 2017.
TrepStar is 23 years old.

TrepStar CD/DVD/USB Fulfillment produces, packages and ships CD/DVD/USB products direct to customers worldwide in single quantity orders
fulfilled direct to customer, or copy / duplicate in bulk in any quantity.
Our mission is to provide
the highest quality "on demand" service at the lowest price at any quantity. Our self help site means setup costs can be zero.
Of course we do offer premium support options for publishers with a larger budget. We reproduce digital media products
on CD, DVD, and USB Flash Drives. We manufacture and ship to customers daily.
Customer Testimonials
On 12/1/2010, we renamed the service TrepStar.com. This was to avoid brand confusion.
Our previous name of cd-fulfillment.com or dvd-fulfillment.com or cddvdfulfillment.com was too generic
so people had trouble finding us by word of mouth. Now, simply tell people TrepStar and they
will find us easily.
TrepStar.com, an A1Tech, Inc. Company, was founded by Patrick Trepanier in Eagan, Minnesota in 2002.
The company was established to automate CD fulfillment for the award-winning software products of A1Tech, Inc., and quickly
grew to take on other CD and DVD fulfillment clients. Later on, USB Flash Drive on demand fulfillment was launched summer of 2017.